Title 32 - Colorado Revised Statutes
SERVICES The Round Mountain Water and Sanitation District (District) is a “Colorado Special District”, being a unit of local government and a political subdivision of the State organized and acting pursuant to the provisions of Title 32, Colorado Revised Statutes. The District was formed in 1975 to provide water and wastewater services to most of the developed areas within the Towns of Westcliffe and Silver Cliff, Colorado. The District operates under the jurisdiction of a local Board of Directors whose five members are elected “at-large” by the voters of the district. 2 In 1995, the District formally created two “Enterprises”; a water enterprise and a wastewater enterprise in accordance with C.R.S. 37-45.1-101. The purpose in creating these two enterprises was to appropriately distinguish the activities of the enterprises from each other as well as from the activity of the local government, the Round Mountain Water and Sanitation District, as required by the passage of Article 10, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution. The Board of Directors of Round Mountain Water and Sanitation District also sit as the Board of Directors of the two enterprises.